Early December during the school holidays,my uncle called Hashim had returned to KL and stayed on my house for several weeks. He started working as a store keeper in some factory at 21 years old, love to spend time in an arcade video games centre. After several years past by, he achieved his Bachelor Degree Of Arts in UITM. Started a serious career at 28 years old and now he earn a handsome income and able to own a car, a house, and get married. I think, I'm not too late to find and get a serious job/career at the age of 25. Just a little introduction of my uncle. :)
So here I am, spending all my time at home jobless, sleeping like a pig, talking nonsense, eating, and waiting for a light that shines at the end of a tunnel.... Leastwise, I have my uncle staying at home to share some brilliant ideologies and facts in many aspects. He is a teacher who taught P.E and Arts at some school in Borneo Land near Philippines. His thinking madness seems to be beyond the logics and realistic but still it is relevant and benefits me to improve myself. Yesterday, he went to Dataran Merdeka alone and take a walk around Kuala Lumpur and goes to the National Library for self-enjoyment.
Can a people enjoying themselves alone walking around with no direction ? can window shopping satisfy some peoples? peoples will self-satisfied and feeeeeelll goooodddd in themselves when they see a nice and branded items waiting to be bought. It is the 'systems' that makes the peoples wanted to buy and spend the money on a useless items. What the fuck??!! what the fuck is goin on here.They buying things that does'nt need to be bought,..it is the world revolution, a mind transformation according the worlds regulation and a fail 'System'. I had post a non-related articles and way off the topics..lolll
wahhh, ur uncle is the best bro..